Facial Identity Tracking
Automatic facial image recognition technology has reached a point where it has been successfully used in a number of real-world applications. Along with that success however, has comes some controversy such as evidence of racial bias and concerns about privacy. This post takes a brief look at both the technology and some techniques to combat issues like bias and data privacy.
Identity tracking
There are different types of identity tracking technologies, but the basic idea is to track what locations an individuals has visited and when. Cookies are probably the most well known technology which is used to track the Internet sites a user has visited. This is useful, for example, to provide targeted marking based on your virtual activities.
The new kid on the block is facial image recognition which brings identity tracking to the physical world. Although this technology can be used to attach a specific identity to an image captured by cameras, it may also be used to only recognized that images from multiple sources belong to the same person without actually identifying that person.
Some ethical questions have arisen concerning the use of facial image recognition. Not the least of these might be should we even allow the use of the technology? While there are certainly some unacceptable uses cases, I think there are also some valid and even beneficial use cases. For example, as public transportation company I want to understand what transfers customers make and when in order to provide them with better scheduling and transfer options.
I won’t attempt to answer the broader ethical questions, but we will look at some technical solutions that help mitigate some of the issues surrounding this technology. Specifically, I’ll present techniques to deal with bias and data privacy. Before attacking those however, let’s look at how it works.
How it works
Identifying an individual from an image has it’s challenges: varying image quality, lighting conditions and camera angle, to name a few. It is a difficult task even for humans when looking at photos of unfamiliar faces. From the software perspective, comparing pixels in images is a non-starter; there is just too much variation.
The basic idea behind today’s image recognition technology is to extract some kind of fingerprint or signature from a facial image that is somehow independent of these variations. Instead of comparing images directly, we can compare the signatures generated from two images and assess their similarity. Much like a hand-written signature, the “signature” generated from two images of the same person will not be identical but are similar enough that they can be compared much like a forensic scientist would compare hand-written signatures or fingerprints.
OpenFace is one such technology, developed by CMU, that takes a face image as input and produces a numeric signature for the face. The graphs below depict sample output from OpenFace for two different individuals.
As you can see in the top image, there is significant similarity between the output from two different images of the same person. And as expected, the output generated for the images of two different people, as shown in the bottom image, are quite dissimilar.
Algorithms like OpenFace can be used in two distinct ways:
- We can compare the image of an unknown person to a database of images of known people, and based on similarity, identify the specific individual.
- We can compare two images from different sources or times, and based on similarity, determine if they represent the same person without specifically identifying who the individual is.
Bias in facial image recognition
Some of the early reports of concern about facial image recognition were centered around fairness. As early as 2010, there were reports of bias in image recognition technology. In a 2012 paper “Face Recognition Performance: Role of Demographic Information”, the authors demonstrate that many major facial recognition systems are less accurate for certain groups including black and female faces.
While this type of bias might not be concerning in certain situations, it can have very serious implications in others, e.g. applications in law enforcement. Fortunately, there are solutions to the bias problem. The first step was identification, and since it has been known for several years, there are now approaches available to reduce bias. IBM, for example, has developed the AI Fairness 360 open-source toolkit to help practitioners detect and mitigate bias.
Data privacy
More recently, there has been some activity around the issue of privacy and facial image technology. In March of 2019, the NY Times published “We Built an ‘Unbelievable’ (but Legal) Facial Recognition Machine”. This piece reveals how easy it is to use a public web cam to identify people’s presence at public locations. They scraped websites of organizations in the area of the web cam to build a database of people and their images. They were then able to associate images captured by the web cam with the database images using very simple face recognition.
Meanwhile, San Francisco prohibited the use of facial image recognition in May as part of a broader anti-surveillance ordinance (San Francisco just banned facial-recognition technology). Obviously, there is trade-off between privacy and security, but clearly people are concerned about the use of this technology. Fortunately, there are techniques we can employ to protect the privacy of individuals and still take advantage of facial image recognition.
Two general principles to follow for data privacy are: 1) adhere to industry standard procedures for access control and encryption, and 2) limit data access to individuals that need access. Additionally, there are a couple of aspects of data protection that are specific to identity tracking.
First, in many use cases, it is not necessary to keep image data once facial image “signatures” are calculated. These can be computed locally at the image source and images do not even need to be transferred over networks. Without the original image, a perpetrator cannot directly identify individuals, but can only compare the signatures to other signatures. In other words, they cannot answer the general question who was seen, but only was this specific person seen? The value of the signatures to infiltrators may be further limited by not directly using public models such as OpenFace. In this case, even to answer the question was this specific individual seen, they would require access to both the model and the signatures to make use of them.
Second, for identity tracking, the data only needs to be stored for the desired tracking duration. For example, in the public transportation use case of identifying transfers taken, the signature data only needs to be keep around for a day. Signatures can simply be replaced with anonymous IDs for long term storage.
As with any technology, computer vision can be leveraged for both benefit or misuse. Facial image recognition is a powerful technology that has the potential to benefit business and government. While there are strict regulations in some regions, computer vision technology has outpaced the legal development in other areas. Regardless, at http://streamlogic.io, we enable companies to deploy computer vision technology in socially responsible ways.
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